SuperShow Tickets

Sell tickets for any event

  • Manage multiple events in one central dashboard
  • Tickets sold directly on your own branded website
  • Ticket payments made directly to your account
  • Tickets emailed directly to your customers or accessed with account login
  • Build up your customer database / CRM

Live Ticket Dashboard
Access all vital ticket information easily from one real-time ticket dashboard.

  • Gain critical insights on attendees, event ticket sales and revenues
  • Real-time ticketing reporting and analytics
  • View a wide array of reports to assess your events’ performance
  • Access details on ticket purchases and key sales results

Scan tickets using mobile phone with secure login

  • Unique codes serve as digital identifiers and prevent unauthorized access.
  • Simplify the customer ticket experience and increase speed of service with handheld scanners, or mobile devices to enable efficient ticket validation
  • Manage attendees at multiple entry points and to process payments onsite.
  • Scan in / Scan out
  • Ticket QR codes on electronic / printed tickets / wristband / RFID / work with any QR reader

Flexible ticket types

  • Create your own ticket types
  • Multiple pricing tiers
  • Festival ticketing promo codes / discount coupons

Ticket Software
